- 本家からイメージをダウンロード。(Installing Macportsから一つめの箇条書きにあるOS名を選択)
- 展開してインストール。
$ port MacPorts 1.9.1Entering interactive mode... ("help" for help, "quit" to quit)[Users/****] > helpport[-bcdfknopqRstuvy] [-D portdir] [-F cmdfile] action [privopts] [actionflags][[portname|pseudo-portname|port-url] [@version] [+-variant]... [option=value]...]...Supported actions------------------activate, archive, archivefetch, build, cat, cd, checksum, clean, configure,contents, deactivate, dependents, deps, destroot, dir, distcheck, distfiles,dmg, dpkg, echo, ed, edit, exit, extract, fetch, file, gohome, help,info, install, installed, lint, list, livecheck, load, location, log,mdmg, mirror, mpkg, notes, outdated, patch, pkg, platform, portpkg,provides, quit, rdependents, rdeps, rpm, search, select, selfupdate,setrequested, srpm, submit, sync, test, trace, unarchive, uninstall,unload, unsetrequested, upgrade, url, usage, variants, version, workPseudo-portnames----------------Pseudo-portnames are words that may be used in place of a portname, andwhich expand to some set of ports. The common pseudo-portnames are:all, current, active, inactive, installed, uninstalled, outdated, obsolete,requested, unrequested and leaves.These pseudo-portnames expand to the set of ports named.Additional pseudo-portnames start with...variants:, variant:, description:, depends:, depends_lib:, depends_run:,depends_build:, depends_fetch:, depends_extract:, portdir:, homepage:, epoch:,platforms:, platform:, name:, long_description:, maintainers:, maintainer:,categories:, category:, version:, revision:, license:, depof:, rdepof:,dependentof:, and rdependentof:.These each select a set of ports based on a regex search of metadataabout the ports. In all such cases, a standard regex pattern followingthe colon will be used to select the set of ports to which thepseudo-portname expands.Portnames that contain standard glob characters will be expanded to theset of ports matching the glob pattern.Port expressions----------------Portnames, port glob patterns, and pseudo-portnames may be logicallycombined using expressions consisting of and, or, not, !, (, and ).For more information--------------------See man pages: port(1), macports.conf(5), portfile(7), portgroup(7),porthier(7), portstyle(7). Also, see http://www.macports.org.
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